Vanity Fair : 2019 Hollywood Edition

Vanity Fair’s 25th issue is dedicated to appraising the ambitions and personalities that power Hollywood.


The change I’m seeing more and
more is women directors,
producers, and writers. Not
necessarily stories that have
never been told before, but
they’re finally being told from a
female perspective.
My sincere hope is that the
magic and legendary history of
film that has had such a
profound impact on us still
exists in 25 years. We all have
such fond, indelible moments of
being in the cinema, and I would
be so heartbroken to know that
future generations would miss
out on that.
The actors who are within the
pages of this issue give new
breath to what Hollywood is
and what Hollywood is going to
be. And that’s in terms of
diversity, ethnicity, gender, and
the type of work that we’re
I hope that in the next 25 years
of filmmaking cinema doesn’t
end up completely disappearing
and exist just on a laptop screen.
I’d love it if we all went back to
shooting film.


I have been in the business 25
years. So this is basically our
joint anniversary
I am optimistic about the real
activism happening inside of the
industry and the conversations
about equity that are creating
material changes.
Did I expect this at the
beginning of the year? Definitely
not. I’m super-fresh on the
scene, but I plan on sticking
around for a long time.
While my time in the business
has been short, it has been a
source of pride and hope for
many people to see someone
that looks like me—an
indigenous person—starring in
an Oscar-winning director’s
film. And a big change for
The regard for television has
changed. There was a time
where film actors only did film.
Now the storytelling on
television is multifarious, and
you see actors on both
Vanity Fair is an American
institution, so to be in it in any
capacity is an honor, but to be
on the cover with actors I really
admire and respect, it’s a pinch-me
Sourced from

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